Description 描述
Send a user-defined event to a native code plugin.
Rendering in Unity can be multithreaded if the platform and number of available CPUs will allow for it. When multithreaded rendering is used, the rendering APIcommands happen on a thread which is completely separate from the one that runs the scripts. Consequently, it is not possible for your plugin to start rendering immediately, since it might interfere with what the render thread is doing at the time.
如果该平台可用的GPU允许Unity可以多线程渲染。当使用多线程时,渲染API命令一个线程从其中一个运行的脚本上完全独立。所以,你的插件可能不会立即渲染,因此它可能会影响什么渲染线程正在做的时间。 In order to do any rendering from the plugin, you should call GL.IssuePluginEvent from your script, which will cause your native plugin to be called from the render thread. For example, if you call GL.IssuePluginEvent from the camera's OnPostRender function, you'll get a plugin callback immediately after the camera has finished rendering.
protected IEnumerator CallPluginAtEndOfFrames(){ while (true) { // Wait until all frame rendering is done yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();#if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX || UNITY_EDITOR GL.IssuePluginEvent(1);#elif UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID UnityRenderEvent(1);#endif }}
Example 例子
An example of a low-level rendering plugin can be downloaded . This simply draws a rotating triangle from C++ code after all regular rendering is done. The project works with Windows (Visual Studio 2008) and Mac OS X (Xcode 3.2) and uses Direct3D 9 on Windows and OpenGL on both platforms.The Direct3D 9 project also demonstrates how to handle "lost" devices.
在下载一个底层渲染的插件的例子。这只是一个在所有规则的渲染完成之后利用C++代码画出一个旋转的三角形的简单例子。该项目可以工作与Windows(Visual Sutdio 2008)和Mac OS X(Xcode 3.2),在Windows中使用了Direct3D 9,同时两个平台使用了OpenGL。使用Direct3D 9的项目同时还演示了如果处理设备丢失。